Dear medical students,

We would like to invite you to the 

IPOKRaTES Students Teaching Seminar

“Integrated Physiology: A conceptual approach to the patient care”

from 22th to 26th of September at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin


We are delighted to welcome Dr. Richard M. Schwartzstein, from the Harvard Medical School as well as Dr. Harold L. Manning and Dr. James C. Leiter from the Dartmouth Medical School for this seminar. They combine excellent teaching with inspiring scientific knowledge in medicine.

The course emphasis pathophysiological as well as clinical aspects of intensive care medicine.
You will experience interesting literature discussions in small groups with a clear focus on clinical problems.  

The seminar will be held in English language and you will learn to take a patient´s history based on the Anglo-American system. This is a golden opportunity to train for an internship or an elective abroad.

You can spend a whole week (9.00 am to 5.00 pm every day) together with fascinating teachers and interesting new people. We promise that their enthusiasm about medicine and teaching is infectious!

After the daily morning lectures and case discussions we will visit pulmonology laboratories as well as adult and pediatric intensive care units to delve into the practical issues of cardio-respiratory regulations.

After the course we invite you to a collegial come-together with fellow students and teachers. 

To meet the requirements for this seminar you should be truly interested in a pathophysiological approach to patient care, you should have basic skills in examination techniques and basic knowledge in physiology.


Dr. Richard M. Schwartzstein; Professor of Medicine and Medical Education
Harvard Medical School

Dr. Harold L. Manning; Professor of Medicine, Physiology & Anesthesiology;
Dartmouth Medical School

Dr. James C. Leiter; Professor of Medicine & Physiology
Dartmouth Medical School

Thank you for your interest in IPOKRaTES Students Seminars. If you would like to participate in this seminar, please fill in the application form provided at our website, where further information regarding the application process is stated.  Please be informed that the number of available places is limited. Therefore we would be glad to receive your application as soon as possible.

The Participation Fee is EUR 125.00

For any questions please refer to our E-Mail address  
IPOKRaTES Students is an international independent non-profit organization which is organized by medicine students throughout Europe.