Von der Studienabteilung wurden uns folgende Infos bezüglich eines KPJ-Platzes in Luxemburg weitergeleitet:

When applying for a KPJ traineeship at the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman (HRS) based in Luxembourg, could you please indicate the following information:
In your CV:

  • YOU: personal data (family and first name, birth date, nationality.ies) and contact details (address (temporary and permanent), phone, email)
  • EDUCATION: Medical University of Innsbruck ; year of study (grade)
  • EXPERIENCE: previous medical traineeships
  • COMPETENCES: spoken/written languages (especially with regard to French, German, Luxembourgish and English).

In your cover e-mail or cover letter:

  • TRAINEESHIP: type (KPJ) and duration of the requested traineeship (with possibly preferred dates) ; medical service wished (up to 3 choices)

Please send your application to: Ms. Maryse Ferran, Medical Student Coordinator, E-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Should you need an accomodation in Luxembourg City, please inform Ms. Ferran as early as possible.